Getting Your Forklift Certificate: How Hard Is It?

In your search for a certification course, you have probable come across several great sites, such as Of course, if you have never taken a licensing course before, then you may be a little hesitant to sign up. Understanding what you will encounter on your way to earning your forklift certificate can help ease your mind so you can proceed with confidence.


Earning your certification is as easy as passing two tests: a written test and a driving test. Before taking either test, you will go over the material that will be covered on the written test. This includes procedures for safe driving and loading of a forklift, how to perform a simple maintenance check, and the different types of forklifts that are out there. Pay attention, because this material will not only be on your test, but it could save your life.


Once you have passed the written test, you will proceed to the driving test. If you attend a regular class, you will have some hands on training with the machine before attempting to take this test. In order to pass the driving test, you will need to successfully navigate a forklift through a simple obstacle course and successfully and safely operate the lift.


Once you have passed both tests, your certificate will be mailed to you. You will be receiving a regular certificate and a wallet sized version. Some companies also provide a sticker version for you helmet, and online courses will provide an electronic version.


Now there are two different types of classes through which you can earn your certificate: online and traditional. These two types of classes each have their own strengths and weaknesses, but there is only one difference that really makes a difference to most people. Online classes cannot provide the hands on training that a traditional class provides. They also cannot administer the driving test for you. You will need your employer to help you with the driving test in order to earn your forklift certificate.


So there you have it; a basic overview of what you will need to do in order to earn your certification. It is a pretty simple process that doesn't require a big investment in order to get started.

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